Sabtu, 03 November 2012

Get Over You

Jadi ini blog curhat ya...catet cur hat...

So FYI guys, I'm so in love with one guy for 10 years. since 2001. What??Pathetic?Yes, I Know.

Awal kisah dimulai saat SMP. Eh??Silly yes. Entah kenapa dia sulit dilupakan. Sebenarnya secara fisik ya biasa dan semakin kesini juga semakin tau personality kita sangat tidak cocok. Tapi kenapa masih degdegan ketemu dia? Something wrong with Me. Hahaha.

Lalu dimulailah petualangan merubah perasaan cinta mati menjadi cinta saja lalu menjadi suka saja lalu menjadi biasa-biasa saja seperti teman lainnya. Those took 2 years. Ehehehehe.

Kadang sebel aja tu cowok mempermasalahkan gak adalah yang suka dia, gak adalah yang sayang dia, dan sering menggambarkan jomblonya dia itu paling misery diantara jomblo-jomblo yang lain. Gw kasih tau ya..jomblo itu miserynya sama man cuma historynya aja yang beda. Dan lo juga udah tau kali kalau gw sayang sama lo, suka sama lo. Jadi plis jangan ungkit-ungkit hal itu atau kalau lo emang amnesia. (Kok jadi drama??hahahaha)

Tapi satu hal yang pasti dan bikin iritasi adalah saat dia terlalu mempermasalahkan kejombloannya di semua social media. Ok saya tau itu Facebook dia, Twitter dia, HP dia, tapi kan dia punya orang lain yang bisa mengakses hal yang sama dan membaca apa yang dia tulis. Kalau setiap hari kamu tulis di status "Gila lapar banget" trs besoknya kamu tulis "Aku laper ni, makan apa ya" terus besoknya kamu tulis lagi "Kok udah laper sih" intinya temanya tetep "LAPER", orang males juga kali. Cek aja kalau temanmu berkurang atau bertambah karena orang suka kamu laper, jadi orang senang diatas kelaparan kamu. Hmm semakin ambigu.

Dari situlah saya total hilang perasaan. Intinya dia mengaku as A MAN tapi statusnya sangat A BOY.
Gw gak tau ya gw bakal kena karma apa nggak karena ini. Hahahahaha.

But At The End...


Byebye and goodluck to get a girl Man!!!!!

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

WELL....I Wonder......

So FYI i am a random person. Sometime i just talk and i don't have any point of talking. Some people say yell "FOCUS" to me (but thanks God i still doing good in my job haha, well i think) and i love think something cool happen to my life.

And i think those cool things are really cool. And do you really want to know the cool things list? Relax!!! I'll let you know.

1. Wake up in the morning and just find out that i'm in the future.
    I think it's pretty cool. I sleep as 23 y/o girl and wake up as 30 y/o woman and a man lie next to me
    and TA...DA i have clue about who my husband is. And our kids run and play around us (ok i think
    it became sweet not random)

2. Caught by FBI
    Yeah baby i always think that it is cool. A very handsome special agent come to my house and   caught me BUTof couse at the end i'm innocent. I wish Special Agent Seeley Booth who caught me.

3. Found human remains
    Be a witness and found a real human remains...ahhh so coooollllllllll
     Skull is Cool
 4. Proposed by someone special with infinite ring
    I hope my future husband read this part!!!!!!! Hahahaha
5. Have a prince boyfriend
    i think that would be awesome...Hahahaha..AND AWKWARD.

6. Holiday in out of nowhere and meet local smokin' hot guy who actually a CIA Agent.
   (I know it is too much)

Well i will post more my random dreams....ohh wait..i mean Cool dreams

Kamis, 27 September 2012


Hah....It's like forever I am not write in here. Yes...according to the title IT'S BEEN A MONTH for me being a worker and A MONTH being a Jakarta people. Hahahaha.. So far, I still not really into this city. Heavy traffic, expensive living cost and hot weather :( but hey don't worry I can handle those things. AND so far i LOVE my job and learn a lot of things day by day ahh so blessed :D. So I have some new friends (hey bonding with new people is not easy man!Hahaha but I try hard) and new papers everyday on my desk (no kidding).

It's just a month but my idea everyday is about HOLIDAY and don't mess with me I've arranged for really good holiday. So all that I have to do is work really hard and don't forget eat harder.

Have a great day everyday People...Smile 5 teeth from my niece hehehehe...

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

All my bags are packed..i'm not ready to go (Last Days-Jogja)

Hey ho..hey ho..hey ho...
Many things happen lately and the BIG one is i'll move to Jakarta tomorrow. YES tomorrow!!! and i spent time for out with friends...
So, these are picts from my last day hangout!! Sad but like what Fergie has said "BIG GIRL DON'T CRY"
Oh by the way i have to move to Jakarta because i got a job there (SAY FINALLY!!!!)

Hangout without food is nothing. So enjoy food pict :)

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Suddenly Missing

What date is it? Why i feel so so so blue? :(
First "blue" feeling then i found fun app then i opened old photos then now i'm missing my friends (cry cry cry)
They scattered all around and get busy with work thingy and forgot contact each other.
well well...still feeling blue but i tried to make those memories organize (well at least)

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

During my jobless days (not fun) i really need exciting activities. And Ta...Da...i got information for my mom that our old friends from Biak would come to visit spiritual places in Jogja. They are our old friend from church when i was in Biak, Papua. They asked me to join them and of course i said YES..
I think that was a good chance for me to take picture and practice about photography hehehehe...
And these are some pictures

We visited Sendang Sono, Borobudur Temple and Ganjuran (Church and Temple of Jesus). You'll see pictures in random. Hahahaha

Hope you enjoy your holiday :)

Le Jardin

FYI, my mom really really loves all things that can make her garden look nicer. Start from buy more flowers or cut the wild grass. So, these are some pict of my mom orchid and the blue sky that day. Hehehehe